Dr. Ir. Muhrizal Sarwani

Land Resources, Climate, & Environment
Dr. Ir. Muhrizal Sarwani

Dr. Ir. Muhrizal Sarwani

Muhrizal Sarwani, born in Banjarmasin in 1960, has a formal education in the field of land, with special emphasis on soil, water and land management.  Bachelor of Agriculture (Ir) was obtained at the Faculty of  Agriculture, Department of Soil  Science, IPB Bogor (1978-1983), while Master of Science (MSc) degreewas at the Department of Soil and Water , Wageningen Agricultural University (Now Wageningen University Research), the Netherlands (1985-1987). A PhD on Land Management was obtained at University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Malaysia (1997-2001).

In 1988-1990, he was involved in collaborative research Indonesia-Dutch on tidal lands in Kalimantan (LAWOO Project) so as to give him the opportunity to explore the aspects of land, especially water in swamplands of Kalimantan. In the 1990s, he worked in the field with farmers through a Research Grant from the  Agricultural Research and Development Agency  in Batola Regency, South Kalimantan. The two activities above were  milestones for him to develop himself as a reliable researcher to help build a food barn area that has survived until now.

Apart from being a researcher, he have been involved in research management in several places in Agricultural R&D (Head of BPTP, Ka BB P2TP and Ka BBSDLP), have also been engage in policy aspects (Director of Fertilizers and Pesticides, Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture). He had been attended various management trainings such as in Melbourne Business School Australia for The Development Program Managers and at IMD Laussane, Switzerland for the Leadership Management.

Experiences in the field of development dan management of land as well as water and climate had assigned him : as National Steering Commitee (NSC) at SADI and Digital Soil Mapping (ACIAR/Australia), Rice Check (FAO/IRRI); as National Project Director Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund (NPD ICCTF) financed by the EU through Bappenas

Often as a resource person and consultant at various seminars / trainings within the scope of Ministries / Institutions and Universities as well as private companies (especially fertilizers and pesticides) and also interact with Non-Governmental Organizations, especially in Central Kalimantan (CARE International and World Education).

As Delegation of Indonesian government on many International occasions:  The Second Senior Officials Meeting of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Green House Gases Governance Working Group, Paris, French ; The 19th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-19) di New York, United States; the Conference of the Parties (COP)  to the Basel Convention, the Rotterdam Convention and the Stockholm Convention di Geneva, Switzerland in 2019.

Published many Papers, along with other researchers, in the scientific National and International journals and proceedings as well as several textbooks :  Tidal Lands: Research and Development (2012, IAARD Press, Jakarta);  The Politics of Agricultural Development facing Climate Change (2013, IAARD Press, Jakarta);  Pesticides in Indonesia: Industry, Supply Chain and Use (2020, IPB Press Bogor);  TRIVIA TIDAL LANDS (2021, Gajah Mada University Press);  Moves to Increase The Area Of Planting  (2018, IAARD Press, Jakarta);  Integrated Planting Calendar: Research, Assessment, Development and Application (2014, IAARD Press, Jakarta).  The Impact of the 2010 Mount Merapi Eruption on Agricultural Land Resources and Its Rehabilitation Innovation. (2012,  IAARD Press, Jakarta).


In addition, he also actively wrote a number of guidelines and technical books such as: State Of The Art & Grand Design : Swampland Development;  General Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation of the Agricultural Sector; General Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector;  Agricultural Strategy Road Map in the Face of Climate Change; Technical Designator of Food Estate Assistance (Kalteng, NTT, Sumut);  Site-Specific N, P, And K Fertilizer Recommendations For Rice, Corn And Soybean Crops On Paddy Fields (Per Subdistrict).