Prof. Dr. Kedi Suradisastra

Agricultural Communication & Technology Transfer

Prof. Dr. Kedi Suradisastra

Prof. Dr. Kedi Suradisastra, completed his formal education in the field of Agricultural studies and received his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri-Columbia, United States. Then he continued his education at the same university majoring in Rural Sociology with an M.Sc degree, then completed his education with the title Ir. in Animal Science at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, and finally carried out Integrated Research in Agriculture, ICRA-Wageningen, Netherlands in 1995.

Kedi Suradisastra is a retired government official at Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture. He has a wide experience in community development and regional planning, including keen interest in institutional development. He is also keen in selecting and applying field reserach methodology, and has been conducting many training pertaining field research and community development strategy, including gender roles in community development. In the period of 1987-1996 he developed the method of Rapid Appraisal for regional planning in Eastern Indonesia and further developed the method to various variants of approach with emphasis on gender roles among local communities in the area. He has extensive experience in methodology training nationwide.

His international experience as the program director of UN-ESCAP CGPRT Centre (1996-1998) helped him enhanced his experience significantly. In the period of 2001-2005 he was appointed as the Deputy Minister for Investment and Financing of State Ministry for Acceleration Development of Eastern Indonesia, from which he gained extensive experience in developing the backward areas of Eastern indonesia. He was also deeply involved in the design of peatland agriculture development in the Regency of North Aceh after the great tsunami in late 2004 to early 2005. His most recent experience as a Rural Development Specialist of USAID development project in Indonesia in early 2011 has sharpened his intuition in regional development and the proper application of field data collection and analysis. Since late 2005 he was positioned as Research Professor for Sociology and Institutional Development in the Indonesian Center for Agriculture Socio-Economic and Policy (ICASEP) in Bogor.