Prof. Dr. Ridwan Thahir


Prof. Dr. Ridwan Thahir

Completed his undergraduate studies in Agricultural Mechanization at IPB in 1974, continued his education through the assignment of studying S2 directly for the S3 program in 1979 from the Agricultural Research and Development Agency majoring in Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Postgraduate IPB with a Doctorate degree (Cum Laude) in 1986. He earned the title of Research Professor and was registered as the 70th Research Professor of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency or the 294th at the national level, with a scientific oration entitled: Revitalizing Rice Mills through Authorization, Supporting Rice Self-Sufficiency and Facing Global Competition.

Have also attended short-term non-formal education; Agricultural Mechanization Development Strategy from Lanbouw Hogheschool Wageningen in Bogor; The PTR-Phase II Project Orientation and Design Characteristics in Tokyo and Iwate University; Scientific Publication Editorial Training at IPB Bogor; Management Development Program Workshop: SWOT Analysis, Bogor; Scientifics Exchange at the University of Tokyo, Japan; Agriculture Research Center Tsukuba, Japan; 2nd Master Class training in Research Management in Agriculture; The Crowford Fund Australian Center for International Agricultural Research and The University of New England, Sydney.

He succeeded in inventing mower and circular rice harvesting equipment in 1998, and contributed to the development of an institutional model for processing sweet potato and sago that was adapted to the socio-cultural conditions of the Papuan people together with the Papua Provincial Agriculture Office and Jayapura Regency. For his service he received a certificate of appreciation from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Satyalancana Karya Satya XX and XXX.