Prof. Dr. Budi Tangendjaja
Animal Husbandry

Prof. Dr. Budi Tangendjaja
Prof. Dr. Budi Tangendjaja, graduated from Faculty of Agricuture Technology and Mechanisation (FATEMETA), Bogor Agriculture University to get Ir. degree in 1976, he continued further study at IPB to get MS degree on Food Science under P&K scholarship. While finishing MS degree, he worked at Central Reserch and Development on Animal Production and received Colombo Plan scholarship to continue further study in Australia to get second Master degree (MAppSc) on feed science from University of New South Wales, Sydney. He continued study at the same University until he received PhD degree in 1983. In 1986, he continued post doctoral training at University of Arkansas on Animal Nutrition.
He started career as reserch trainee at Project for Animal Research and Development (P4), Ciawi Bogor under CSIRO coordination, Audtralia and established functional position as Primary Reseach Scientister in 1995. He was promoted to become Research Professor no 30 at Agency for Agriculture Research and Development in 2006 after presentation of Scientific Lecture on Feed Technology in Supporting Animal Industry in Indonesia. In that time he has written more than 128 publications either main author or jointly with others in local and international journal. Until 2020 he has written more than 150 papers.
During his research career, he performed various reserch project with many insitutions including USAID, International Foundation of Science (IFS), FAO, ACIAR, ILRI, ITTO, IAEA and national project included RUT III and RUT IV and other collaborative project. He had very often been invited to give presentations in various seminar, workshop, training and conference in many countries including Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Europe, Japan, Korea, USA and other locations of Indonesia. He received a second best presenter from Agency fo Agriculture Resarch Development and “Satyalancana Wirakarya” from President of Republic Indonesia.
In the last 2 decades, he participated in US Association namely US Grains Council and US Soybean Export Council in providing technical support to SEA and Oceania countries. He has been providing training, workshop and seminar to animal industries in SEA including feedmills, farmers, animal industries and traders of feed ingredients. Technical knowledge in animal nutrition, quality assurance, feed technology, feed formulation and feed ingredients have been useful to support stakeholders of animal industries not only in Indonesia but in other SEA countries.