Prof. Dr. Ir. Rasti Saraswati, M.S
Land Resources, Climate and Environment

Prof. Dr. Ir. Rasti Saraswati, M.S
Rasti Saraswati was born in Jakarta, June 23, 1954. Obtained a Bachelor of Biology in 1980 at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FAMIPA) Padjadjaran University, Bandung, a Master of Science degree from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 1986, and a Doctorate in Soil Microbiology from Kyoto University , Japan, 1992.
She has pursued a research career since 1980 in the field of soil microbiology and bioprocess technology: microbial formulation technology and biofertilizer production technology, for soil and plant health. In addition, the field being carried out also focuses on studying indigenous isolates as active ingredients in biofertilizer formulas.
Has conducted many researches related to her field of competence, ranging from Root Nodule Bacteria Identification and Nitrogen Fixation on Soybean (Japan), Construction of Gus Marked Bradyrhizobium (Japan), Rhizobium Quality Control (Canada), Identification of Potential Microorganisms in Wheat Ecosystem (WSU- USA, 2002), and identification of Indonesian Actinomycetes Based On Their 16S rDNA Sequences (NITE-Japan), genetic improvement of the quality of root nodule-forming bacteria, protoplast fusion to increase nitrogen fixing ability, as well as development of biofertilizer technology and transfer of technology for bio-organic fertilizers. on organic farming and conventional farming supports Good Soil Care (GSC) in the tropics.
Her field focuses on studying the potential of indigenous isolates as an active ingredients in biofertilizer formulae with the best carrier material for microbial survival during storage, and the efficiency of production technology, followed by field studies: utilization as biofertilizer and biodecomposer for fertilizer efficiency and sustainable agriculture. Biofertilizer Rhizoplus technology obtained a Patent which was licensed and commercialized by PT. Hobson Interbuana Indonesia, BioPhos and Multifunction of Soil Microorganisms which was licensed and commercialized by PT. Nusa Palapa Gemilang.
In 2009-2010 together with the Soil Research Institute’s fertilizer team, they prepared quality standards for biofertilizers for Minister of Agriculture 28/SR130/2009 regarding Organic Fertilizers, Biological Fertilizers, and Soil Improvements. Produce scientific papers, both written by themselves and with other researchers in the form of books, journals, proceedings, and published papers.
For her service, she received the Kalyana Kretya Utama Award from the Minister of Research and Technology for the results of research work in the fields of agriculture and agro-industry and the Satyalancana Wirakarya Award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and is now active as a resource person for farmer groups, and private/BUMN partners for the development of biofertilizer technology and biodecomposer.