Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 986 PROPAKTANI
Agricultural Infrastructure Increasing Production
Early experience of the Green Revolution adoption that the development of agricultural infrastructure strongly supports the introduction of new technologies to increase crop production, especially rice. Indonesia’s current agricultural infrastructure is at the same level as the Philippines, very lagging when compared to the People’s Republic of China. In Webinar Episode 986, APPERTANI had the opportunity to organize a webinar with the topic of Agricultural Infrastructure Increasing Production. The moderator of this webinar episode is Prof. Dr. M. Husein Sawit, APPERTANI Agricultural Economics expert team. In his remarks, Dr. Suwandi, Director General of Food Crops acknowledged that agricultural infrastructure development involves other ministries and investors. Along with the dynamic demands of agricultural development, irrigation infrastructure has been developed, providing rural electricity for irrigating rice fields in the dry season, telecommunications supporting advances in information technology, and distribution infrastructure to supply areas with minus production. Mechanization needs to continue to be developed towards modern agriculture.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Suryana, APPERTANI Food and Agricultural Policy Expert Team delivered the topic: Food Availability, Domestic Food Production, and Agricultural Infrastructure”. Food availability is one of the things regulated in Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning food in addition, affordability, and utilization (consumption and food safety). Food supply to meet domestic needs can come from domestic food production and national food reserves. In conditions of insufficient domestic food supply, food needs can be met by importing food as needed. Along with the enactment of Law No. 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation, food supply sources are prioritized based on: a) domestic food production; b) national food reserves; and/or c) food imports. Agricultural infrastructure supports the production, processing, management, and marketing or trading of agricultural commodities, while also playing an important role in increasing productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability of the agricultural sector.
Dr. Astu Unadi, APPERTANI Expert Team in the field of expertise of Agricultural tools and machinery (ATM) who is still active as a BRIN researcher, delivered material with the topic: “Agricultural Mechanization Technology Support for Sustainable Food Self-Sufficiency and Increasing Competitiveness”. Agricultural Mechanization research activities in BRIN are part of the Center for Appropriate Technology Research, Agricultural and Food Research Organization with a mandate of equipment and ATM engineering for the development of cultivation and processing to advanced (tertiary) level. Agricultural mechanization is increasingly important for: 1) the development of modern agriculture and bio-industry agriculture to maintain and increase agricultural production; 2) meet the growing needs and diversify agricultural production; 3) increase efficiency, added value, and increase competitiveness; 4) increase the interest of the younger generation to overcome labor scarcity in agriculture; 5) tackling the effects of climate change in agriculture which requires saving water use, and short cultivation times.
Some suggestions for the development of agricultural mechanization are: 1) Counseling in the field of ATM through training on technical aspects, business, ATM governance, infrastructure, facilities, operational funds; 2) increasing the ability of the ATM service business (ATM-SB) in managing the ATM business; 3) encourage domestic industries to produce site-specific ATM; 4) development of the raw material and spare parts industry so that the domestic ATM industry is encouraged to produce ATM in large quantities at affordable prices.
Dr. Trip Alihamsyah, M.Sc, APPERTANI Expert Team for Agricultural Mechanization delivered the topic: Optimization of Agricultural Infrastructure Utilization Supports Increasing Competitiveness and Sustainability of Food Crop Production. The development of a progressive, environmentally friendly food production system needs to be supported by the development of infrastructure and facilities as well as technological innovations and agricultural institutions that are expected to increase the competitiveness, income, and welfare of farmers, as well as the maintenance of the quality of natural resources and the agricultural environment.
Problems and constraints in the use of agricultural infrastructure: 1) have not been properly identified the needs of agricultural infrastructure according to the conditions and readiness of the development site; 2) the lack of establishment from the beginning of the management institution and work procedures and the limited competent human resources at the location; 3) limited infrastructure and operational support facilities for agricultural infrastructure at the development site; 4) lack of intensive training and assistance of managers and technicians of agricultural infrastructure operators at the development site;5) limited access to information, information and operational financing of agricultural infrastructure at the development site. It specifically outlined the things that need to be done for the development of ATM-SB.