Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 1085 PROPAKTANI

Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 1085 PROPAKTANI

Optimizing Dryland Potential Indonesia’s domestic food production must continue to be increased in quantity and quality to achieve food independence, in line with the increase in population which in 2024 has reached 281 million people with low consumption diversity. Propaktani episode 1085 organized by APPERTANI is one of the efforts to increase domestic food production by optimizing the potential of dry land. Dr. Suwandi, Director […]

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Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 1006 PROPAKTANI

Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 1006 PROPAKTANI

Agricultural Down Streaming The government continues to encourage downstream in all sectors, including the agricultural sector to create jobs. Dr. Suwandi, Director General of Food Crops stressed the importance of the role of innovation technology and technology transfer to shift the agricultural production curve to improve the welfare of farmers. Downstream needs to be encouraged to be carried out by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises […]

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Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 867 PROPAKTANI

Online Socialization and Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 867 PROPAKTANI

ITS TIME GO ORGANIC The global inorganic fertilizer crisis has aroused the anxiety of countries in the world including Indonesia to meet food needs amid the negative impacts of climate change and the threat of a food crisis because of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Russia has gas and mineral resources of fertilizer materials to meet the macronutrient needs of plants. Ukraine is the world’s food granary […]

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Online Socialization Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 841 PROPAKTANI And APPERTANI

Online Socialization Technical Guidance (WEBINAR) #EPISODE 841 PROPAKTANI And APPERTANI

THE ROLE OF APPERTANI IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS TO SUPPORT THE INCREASE IN FOOD CROP PRODUCTION APPERTANI Non-Profit Scientific Organization was established by the Ministry of Agriculture Professor Research Communication Forum, carrying the tag line “Agricultural Innovations and Solutions” got the opportunity to organize  Webinar Episode 841 Propaktani to outline its role in the Implementation of Agricultural Innovations to Support Increasing Food Crop […]

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#EPISODE 835 PROPAKTANI with APPERTANI Online Socialization Technical Assistance (WEBINAR)

#EPISODE 835 PROPAKTANI with APPERTANI Online Socialization Technical Assistance (WEBINAR)

AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, SOLUTIONS IN INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY AND FOOD CROP PRODUCTION APPERTANI had the opportunity to start participation in 2023  in Webinar Episode 835 Propaktani on January 31, 2023 focusing on agricultural technology and innovation as a solution to increase productivity and food crop production. Prof.  Dr. Ir. Tjeppi D. Soedjana, M.Sc. Observer of Agricultural Development Policy APPERTANI was appointed as moderator of episode […]

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