Dr. Agung Hendriadi

Mekanisasi Agrikultur:

Agung Hendriadi was born in Blora on August 2nd 1961. Graduated for Undergraduate degree in agriculture mechanization from Gajah Mada University, Master of Agriculture Engineering from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, and Doctor of Engineering from the same University.

He was served as Director of Agricultural Technology Development and Assessment, Executive Secretary of Agriculture Research and Development, Director of Public Relation and Information, dan Director General of Food Security Agency, Ministry of Agriculture. Currently, he is Senior Researcher in the Fiels of Food System and Agriculture Economic.

HeĀ  was assigned several International Coferrence, those are TC and GC Meeting of UN APCAEM; Global Forum on Agriculture, Berlin; PAC ACIAR, Australia; Global Research Alliance Council Meeting, Iowa USA; World Food Summit, Denmark; FAO Council Meeting dan CFS dan FAO Intl. Symposium, Roma; APTERR Council Meeting, Malaysia; APEC Ministerial Meeting for Food Security, Chile; General Assembly Islamic Organization for Food Security (OIFS), Saudi Arabia; FAO Asia Pacific Regional Conference – Senior Officers Meeting (SOM), Roma.

He joined in several Professional Organization, those are Vice Presiden Asia Association of Agriultural Engineering (AAAE); Adviser of Indonesia Cassava Community dan adviser of Indonesia Association of Food Technology Expert and Vice President of PERTETA.