Prof. Dr. Erizal Jamal
Agricultural Socio-Economic

Prof. Dr. Erizal Jamal
Prof. Dr. Erizal Jamal, MSi is an active and senior researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency known as BRIN. He completed his education in Agribusiness, Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), then continued his Masters in Regional and Rural Development, at the same university and earned a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics with a minor in environmental economics, University of the Philippines, Los Banos. Inaugurated as a Research Professor with a scientific oration entitled “Reorientation of Rural Development as a Basis for Improving the Distribution of Land Tenure for Farmers”.
Has actively participated in short trainings, such as: Agricultural Economics Research Methodology, Agricultural Economic Research Center, Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Bogor, Indonesia; Food Agriculture and Environmental Policy Analysis. A joint training and research project on the relationship between Indonesian agricultural production, trade and the environment funded by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research. Bogor, Indonesia; Resource Economics and Economic-Wide Issues. Regional training course in Environmental and Resource Economics. Economics and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA). Chiangmai, Thailand; New Manager Development Program, Intensive Management Program, Executive Education Mt. Eliza, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, Australia; Rice Technology Transfer System Training Workshop in Asia. Center for International Technical Cooperation (ITCC), RDA Administration (RDA) Suwon-Korea, and IRRI Los Banos, Philippines.
In addition, Erizal Jamal also frequently attends meetings, scientific seminars and workshops as participants, speakers and delegates representing Indonesia; among them: 1) Congresses of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), in Canbera and Beijing. 2) Rice Technology Transfer Workshop at South Korea’s RDA. 3) Resource person at the International Fertilizer Association in Hainan, China. 4) ACIAR workshops in Canbera and Melbourne. 5) Bilateral Meetings of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency and IRRI in Jakarta and Los Banos. 6) AFACI meeting in Suwon, South Korea. 8) AMAF SOM meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council in Padang, West Sumatra. 9) APEC meeting in Medan, North Sumatra (Chairman of ATCWG meeting), in Moscow 2012 as Delegation of Indonesia, Vancouver Canada. 10) Members of the Indonesian delegation at the G20 SOM in Paris and Moscow, and many more.
He is widely involved in various international collaborative research, some of which are 1) Smart Climate Change Adaptation for Development of Rural Agriculture in Indonesia . JDR 3rd Scholars Program, Winrock International. January 2012 – June 2013. 2) Value Chain Study on Tropical Fruits in Indonesia, Tropical Fruit Networking (TFNet). January – June 2013. 3) ”Agriculture Sector Study in West Nusa Tenggara, Southeast Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara province”. 2006-2007. Collaborative research between ICASEPS and IFC SADI World Bank. 4) “Socio-Economic Evaluation of Paddy Field Multifunctional in Indonesia”. January-December 2001, a Japan Government and Southeast Asian Countries Organization (ASEAN) Secretariat funded project conducted by the Centre for Soil and Agro-Climate Research and Development, and many more.
There are 97 scientific papers that have been published, 8 of them in English, besides that, many popular scientific writings in the mass media have been published in national newspapers such as Kompas, Bisnis Indonesia and Suara Pembaharuan. For his dedication in research and development of science and technology, Erizal Jamal received an award at the Scientific Writing Competition within the Agricultural Socio Research Center, as well as The John Dillon Memorial Fellowship Award.