Prof. Dr. Satoto
Food Crops

Prof. Dr. Satoto
Satoto, was born in Pekalongan Central Java, on August 18 1955. Got his doctor from Bogor Agricultural University in 2003 on Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. Participated on some training related to his competence such as: The Genetic Evaluation and Utilization (GEU) Training Course in The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Philippines (1985), Rice Production di IRRI Philippines (1985), The Hybrid Rice Seed Production Training Course di IRRI Philippines (1987), Rice Production Training Course di Tsukuba International Training Center, Tsukuba Shi Ibaraki Ken Jepang (1993), and Introduction to New Developments in G X E Analysis and Interpretation of Results di IRRI Philippines (1995). Working as researcher in Indonesian Center for Rice Research Sukamandi since 1984.
Published around 150 papers and released 54 high yielding rice varieties consisted of 41 hybrid rice varieties 13 inbred rice varieties.
Member of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania-SABRAO since 2009, the Indonesian Breeding Association since 1990, Indonesian Researcher Union since 2019, and Expert Boards of Indonesian Seed Community (MPPI) 2011-2017), National Food Crop Variety Release Team since 2007.
Awards, Several awards were gift by Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia (Food Sustainability Award) in 2010 and Outstanding Researcher in 2011, Ministry of National of Education of Indonesia (Outstanding Intelectual Property Award) in 2011, Indonesian Seed Community (MPPI Awards) in 2011 and 2017, President of Republic of Indonesia (Satya Lancana Karya Satya for XX years of dedication) in 2012, and IRRI-ASEAN (The Outstanding Rice Scientist) in 2017.