Ir. Sofyan Ritung, M.Sc

Land Resources, Climate and Environment

Ir. Sofayan Ritung, M.Sc

SOFYAN RITUNG. Born in Palopo, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, December 7, 1955. Completed his undergraduate education (S1) at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor in 1979 in the field of Soil Sciences. In 1997, he completed his Master of Science in Soil Survey (S2) education at the Netherlands Institute of Aerospace Surveys and Earth Science (ITC) in the field of Soil Survey.

He has attended a Soil Taxonomy workshop in Malang in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, Soil Research Center, U.S. Agency for Int. Development, and Soil Conservation Services, USDA. In 2001, he also attended a training on Analysis of Land Degradation Parameters in The Sloping Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS at the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan.

Had been a part of the land mapping team from the detail level (1:10000 scale) to the review level (1:250,000 scale) in various parts of Indonesia, both as a member and team leader. Update semi-detailed land maps based on districts/cities in Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, Bali and West Java. Has produced around 60 scientific papers on mineralogy, genesis, soil classification, and soil chemistry published in journals, proceedings and books, 5 of them in international journals and proceedings such as International Research Journal Agricultural Science and Soil Science, Journal of Integrated Field Science Center Graduate School of Agricultural Science Tohoku University, Proceedings of International Workshop on Oceania Node. Journal of Geoderma.

The experiences/positions he has held include:

  • Head of Research Group for Mapping and Evaluation of Land Resources at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture in 2006-2015.
  • Head of the Indonesian Peatland Map Compilator with a scale of 1:250,000 in 2011 at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of Drafting Technical Guidelines for Land Evaluation for Agricultural Commodities 2013 at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of Compilers of the Indonesian Agricultural Land Resources Book: Area, Distribution and Potential for Land Availability 2014 and 2015 Editions at the Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Team Leader/Responsible for Correlation of Semi Detailed Soil Map 1: 50,000 in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture 2016-2020.
  • Member of Technical Guidelines for Semi-Detailed Soil Mapping 1:50,000 scale in Indonesia 2016 and 2016 National Soil Classification at the Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of Drafting Technical Guidelines for Landform Classification for Soil Mapping in Indonesia at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of Compiling SNI 7925:2019 Peatland Mapping scale 1: 50,000 in 2019 at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of the Indonesian Peatland Map Compilator, scale 1: 50,000 in 2019 at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Members of the Team for Compiling Agricultural Area Maps (Food, Annual, Horticulture and Livestock) scale 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 in several provinces and districts, in collaboration with the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources, Ministry of Agriculture in 2015-2019.
  • Team Leader/Responsible for Compilation of Indonesian Swamp Land Map, scale 1: 50,000 in 2020 at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Head of the Map Commission Team at the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture in 2019-2020.

As for the experience of participating in professional organizations, as a Member of the Indonesian Soil Science Association (HITI), as a Member of the Indonesian Peat Association (HGI).