Dr. Bess Tiesnamurti

Animal Husbandary

Dr. Bess Tiesnamurti

Dr. Bess Tiesnamurti, alumni from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Diponegoro University in 1982, started his career at the Institute for Livestock Research as a sheep breeder. Master of Science degree in Animal Production was obtained from the University of California, Davis in 1988 with the research topic The Inheritance of Prolificacy in Javanese Thin Tail Sheep. Completed his doctoral education at the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 2001 with research on Milk Production in Priangan Peridi Sheep.

Together with research colleagues from the Livestock Research Institute from various disciplines, they have released three new breeds of sheep, namely Compass, Agrinak, Garut Composite and Agrinak and Bahtera. After completing his assignment as Head of Program and Evaluation Division at the Center for Animal Research and Development (2007-2010) and Head of Animal Research and Development Center (2010-2016), she continued his work as a breeding researcher.

Until now, she is actively conducting research activities, especially on Livestock Genetic Resources in various seed source areas, both as a meat producer and as a milk producer. As a researcher, several books have been published mainly on the release of new breeds of livestock. In addition, she is concerned with initiating research related to climate change in the livestock sub-sector, strengthening the climate change team at the Ministry of Agriculture level. Nor should she forget his role as Indonesia’s representative in the Global Research Alliance (GRA) regarding climate change. In addition, in the global arena, she is actively providing input in the working group on Animal Genetic Resources which is coordinated by FAO. This trust is manifested in a collaborative project to update Indonesian buffalo population data in the Domestic Animal Diversity-Information System (DAD-IS) with funding from FAO.