The Inauguration of Research Professor of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2022

At the end of January 2022, the Agricultural Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture held an Inauguration of Research Professors which was held on January 25, 2022 and January 28, 2022. This event solidified three members of APPERTANI as research professors at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Dr. Ir. Fadjry Djufry, M.Si
On January 25, 2022, Dr. Ir. Fadjry Djufry, M.Si, one of the APPERTANI senior advisors, has delivered his oration at an inaugural oration for research professor of the Ministry of Agriculture with the oration title “DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE BASED ON ADAPTIVE FARMING TECHNOLOGY TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MODERN AGRICULTURE”. He is a research professor in the field of Crop Cultivation and Production. The inauguration ceremony which was held at the Sadikin Sumintawikarta Auditorium, Cimanggu Agricultural Campus, Bogor was also attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, SH. MH. Professor Fadjry, who previously served as Head of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, is now the 159th Research Professor at the Ministry of Agriculture and also the 630th Research Professor nationally, since the first inauguration research professor in early 2006. Professor Fadjry offers the concept of Innovative Climate Smart Agriculture (ICSA) as the development of “Climate Smart Agriculture”, which was pioneered by FAO in 2013, to support modern farming systems. Professor Fadjry obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Hasanudin University in 1993, a Master’s Degree in Agroclimatology from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 2000, and a Doctoral Degree in Agroclimatology from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 2005.

Source: Balitbangtan
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Dr. Drh. Ni Luh Putu Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si
On January 28, 2022, Dr. Dr. NLP Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si, one of the APPERTANI expert team, has delivered her oration at an inaugural oration for the research professor of the Ministry of Agriculture in the field of Veterinary or Animal Health of Veterinary Medicine with the oration title ” MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-BASED VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION TO SUPPORT CONTROL OF AVIAN INFLUENZA DISEASE IN INDONESIA”. She is the 631st national research professor and 160th research professor at the Ministry of Agriculture. In her oration, Prof. Indi said that Molecular Biology-Based Veterinary Technology Innovation (MBVTI) is very important in establishing diagnostic accuracy, knowing the character of circulating AI viruses, and in developing control technologies such as drugs and vaccines. The development of MBVTI is able to provide information on the latest virus character, predict virus malignancy, and as an early warning system to encounter the possibility of AI pandemics. MBVTI also useful in developing better vaccines to restraint AI in Indonesia. Professor Indi has produced 2 granted patents, 1 trade secret, 7 other registered patents, and 1 copyright. Professor Indi obtained a veterinary degree from Airlangga University in 1997, a Master of Science degree from Gadjah Mada University in 2003, and a Doctorate degree from the University of Indonesia in 2009 in the field of Biomedical.

Source: Balitbangtan
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Dr. Ir. Atien Priyanti, M.Sc
Prof. Dr. Ir. Atien Priyanti, M.Sc also delivered an oration for Research Professor of Agricultural Economics on January 28, 2022 at the Sadikin Sumintawikarta Auditorium, Agricultural Campus in Cimanggu Kecil, Bogor. The title of her oration is “IMPLEMENTATION OF BIOECONOMICS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN REALIZING FEED INDEPENDENCE”. Professor Atien is also a member of the APPERTANI expert team in the field of Livestock Economics, who is inaugurated as the 632th research professor nationally and the 161st as research professor at the Ministry of Agriculture. In her oration, she stated that Indonesia has abundant agricultural biomass potential to be used as a source of animal feed in order to build feed independence. This needs to be done through the implementation of bioeconomic which is believed to be one of the drivers of future economic growth. Considering that feed is the main component in the livestock business whose input contribution can reach 60-70% of the total production cost, optimizing the utilization of biomass is the right choice as a local resource which is far from optimal in its utilization to date. Professor Atien received a Bachelor of Animal Science from Gadjah Mada University in 1984, a Master of Science degree from the University of Arkansas USA in Agricultural Economics, and a Doctorate Degree in 1987 from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in Agricultural Economics.

Source: Balitbangtan
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