Second project: Partnership with The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development
APPERTANI submitted a study proposal of The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) transformation to The Indonesian Agency for Agriculture System Management in September 2021. This proposal is studying a new agency that will act as a hub between The Ministry of Agriculture technology/innovation needs with the source of technology/innovation producer like BRIN, besides its role accompanying The Ministry of Agriculture on technology implementation in fields with users. This study is needed by IAARD who is designing a new agency formation as a replacement for IAARD. This study was proposed to be held for 2 – 3 months.
The proposal is agreed upon after evaluation was done by the evaluator team of IAARD. The agreement was realized in ACTIVITY AGREEMENT LETTER Number 1911.1/PL.040/H.1/10/2021.K, date: 11 October 2021, between IAARD and APPERTANI, with the subject: “Study of Concept and Operationalization Institutional Transformation of IAARD to The Indonesian Agency for Agriculture System Management”. This project has to be done in December 2021.
The aims for this project are:
- Create an institutional concept of The Indonesian Agency for Agriculture System Management as a hub with Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) and other innovation resource agencies for The Ministry of Agriculture needs
- Create The Indonesian Agency for Agriculture System Management’s working mechanism or governance internally, across Echelon I, and externally with related parties notably BRIN
- Create research priority strategies for researchers in The Ministry of Agriculture who are joining BRIN on preparing and improving competencies and professionalism also support information of research and innovation for The Ministry of Agriculture
- Create Working Strategic Grand Design Program of The Indonesian Agency for Agriculture System Management year 2022 – 2024
- Create concept program Riset Pengembangan Inovatif Kolaboratif (RPIK) which supports The Ministry of Agriculture, or Agriculture Development, and/or agricultural resources utilization.