Sustainability on Agriculture for Future Generation

Sustainability on Agriculture for Future Generation

One Day Symposium on

World population reach eight billion and Indonesia population at 280 million in 2023. It requires sufficient food to meet the demand, especially with a growing middle-income society. Environmental concern continues to be a major issue in many millennial societies and lower carbon footprints have become targets for many countries.

Farmers as the main drivers of food production in Indonesia are an ageing society in the agriculture sector and younger generation do not prefer to work in agriculture rather than working for industries. Sustainability on agriculture has received less attention as the government put more emphasis to develop food self-sufficiency rather than long term impact of agriculture on environment and sustainability for future generations. Furthermore, self-sufficiency that strongly focuses on production growth with less attention to agricultural resources conservation can also lead to unsustainable food production.

Agriculture sustainability has been discussed on many occasions by stakeholder in Indonesia, but in depth understanding on sustainability is limited in term of goal setting, concept, perspective, measurement, and implementation. Indonesia Government and stakeholders should aware that sustainable agriculture is critical to keep food security and nutrition adequacy strong and resilient as well as preserving meaningful economic value for smallholder farming of agriculture sector in the long term.

Those mentioned above are the background, APPERTANI in collaboration with The United State Grains Council (USGC) organize a one-day symposium with the aim of:

  • Create awareness on Sustainable Agriculture for Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia.
  • Assist to develop a program to implement Sustainable Agriculture especially for small holders so that they receive sufficient incentives in adopting Sustainable Agriculture.
  • Promote better understanding of the role of open agriculture trade flow in strengthening food security while preserving key agricultural resources such as fertile land and water.

One day symposium will be conducted on August 8, 2023, at Agency of Standardization and Instrumentation on Agriculture, Bogor.  Several expertise will be invited to give a presentation using the guidelines provided. At end of all presentation, a moderator would coordinate discussion to reach conclusion on which concept of sustainable agriculture should be adopted by Indonesia. What perspectives (productivity, economic viability, social implication, modern technology, environmental impact) should be adopted so that sustainability can be measured? How to implement Sustainability concept for Indonesia Government?

It is expected that total 100 and 150 leading participants would join symposium off-line and on-line, respectively from Minister of Agriculture, Directorate general, Agribusiness Companies (seed companies, distributor), Universities, professionals, experts from local and overseas, farmer leaders, representative from Ministry of Environment, National Food Agency, scientist etc.