The existence of the Indonesian Agricultural Research Alliance (APPERTANI) was inadvertently accompanied by the process of fundamental transformation of Research and Innovation Systems and Institutions (2021-2022) which led to the establishment of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the transformation of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency (Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, IAARD) into the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Instrument Standardization Agency (BSIP). Thus, in this condition, APPERTANI functions as a forum for communication and devotion of senior researchers who are still “concerned” with agricultural development (say: “Ministry of Agriculture, MoA”) who were born and raised by the IAARD, whatever and wherever their position is.
APPERTANI has successfully held meetings and discussions comprehensively but in a friendly atmosphere involving fellow agricultural researchers who were born, raised and or have been in the IAARD to take part and act in the semi- and non-official horizons, during and retired as civil servants, at the Annual Meeting event held on June 24, 2023, at the Hall of the Centre for Standardization of Plantation Instruments, Jl. Tentara Pelajaran No.1 Bogor 16111. The event was attended by 59 offline participants and 14 online participants, who were members of APPERTANI, BSIP, PSEKP, BRIN, University, and others.
The workshop agenda consisted of material presentation by five resource persons with each material (1) Report of the Chairman of APPERTANI (Actions and Activities APPERTANI 2022-2023) by Prof. Dr. Irsal Las; (2) Main Results of APPERTANI 2022-2023 activities by Prof. Dr. Tahlim Sudaryanto; (3) The Role of BSIP in Supporting Modern Agriculture by Prof. Dr. Fadjry Djufry; (4) Standardization and Innovation Supporting the New Era of Indonesian Plantations by Andi Nur Alam Syah STP, MT.; (5) General View of APPERTANI’s Future Direction by Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurti; (6) Main Discussion and Comments delivered by: Prof.Dr. Achmad Suryana, Prof. Dr. Tjeppy D. Soedjana, Dr. Ir. Muhrizal Sarwani, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Prama Yufdy; (7) General discussion: APPERTANI’s Direction and Strategy in the Context of Agricultural Innovation and Solutions.
Thank God, at the end of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2021, APPERTANI can start its activities through collaborative agricultural research and development activities with several parties, starting with the IAARD and BULOG and with an international institution SYNGENTA Foundation, etc. Until mid-2023, APPERTANI has carried out at least 16 collaborative activities in research, development, and agricultural policy studies as well as 8 series of “Propaktani” Webinars, Directorate General of Food Crops. Although still limited, these activities naturally initiate and glue communication between researchers, both active and retired, both at BSIP, MoA / PSEKP, as well as at BRIN, University, and others.
APPERTANI in the future is advised to: 1) encourage and support the improvement of professionalism and welfare of researchers and the community, 2) embrace young researchers for the regeneration of research human resources, 3) embrace BSIP for the development of agricultural instrument standards to support independent and modern advanced agriculture, 4) embracing stakeholders, especially in MoA for the development of agricultural innovation towards advanced, independent and modern agriculture, 5) developing a data base from the APPERTANI Website, especially containing profiles of Agricultural Research Human Resources.