Collaboration on Technical Guidance and Dissemination of Propaktani Indonesian Agricultural Research Alliance (APPERTANI) – Directorate General of Food Crops (Ditjentan), Ministry of Agriculture December 2022

APPERTANI was given the opportunity to provide suggestions for increasing food crop production through a collaborative the Propaktani Webinar at the end of 2022 on 9 and 20 December 2022 with the topic: Efforts to Increase Production of Food Crops, Specifically Rice.
The webinar on December 9, 2022 took the general topic of food crop commodities “Strategy to Increase Productivity and Production of Food Crops”. Moderated by Dr. Muhammad Prama Yufdy fertility expert and soil biology, from APPERTANI/BRIN. Prof. Dr. Sumarno is an expert in Breeding Science from APPERTANI bringing the topic, “Strategy to Increase Productivity of Food Crops to Pursue National Food Security” through efforts to narrow the yield gap with scientific based science, technology and policies. Prof. Dr. Suyamto expert in Plant Cultivation; APPERTANI, describes his field experience in East Java as a result of studies on the application of science and technology and lessons learned in an effort to narrow the rice yield gap for specific locations. Prof. Subandi, an expert in Food Crop Cultivation, APPERTANI, who was born as a farmer’s son, recounted his field experience of working directly in the field in a pragmatic effort to maintain or increase maize in a cropping pattern with rice and green beans and productive and efficient corn fertilization.
The webinar on December 20th 2022 was held with the topic “Efforts to Increase Rice Production”. This topic is very up to date, because after three years in the Covid-19 pandemic situation there is no import of rice, while the government’s rice reserves are very minimal to prevent price fluctuations at the end of 2022, so it is planned to import rice. In this webinar, Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Bahri, MS secretary and the APPERTANI expert team, as the moderator. Then as a guest speaker Prof. Husein Sawit, an expert in agricultural economics at APPERTANI, suggests improving incentives for producing farmers who have been successful in increasing production, but have had little impact on their income, coupled with the high cost of production inputs, by improving off-farm management, especially rice milling. It is recommended that large mills do not compete with small mills that take grain from farmers. Dr. Ir. Sri Rochayati MSc, soil fertility expert from APPERTANI describes the solution to the problem of expensive and scarce fertilizers in maintaining and increasing rice productivity. Prof. I Nyoman Widiarta, expert on plant pests and diseases from APPERTANI and BRIN, specifically discussed efforts to narrow the yield gap of new high-yielding rice varieties due to environmental stress as a result of climate change (DPI) through digitalization of science and technology to help farmers make decisions independently in implementing the technological components of crop management integrated (PTT) and integrated pest management (IPM) for DPI adaptation to narrow the rice yield gap.