Dr. Handaka Ir, M.Eng. PhD
Agricultural Mechanization
Dr. Handaka Ir, M.Eng. PhD. Born in Solo, May 1949. He completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM Yogyakarta in the end of 1976. Then in 1983 he took M.Eng in Agricultural Machinery Management at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand. The last education was obtained in 1991 at the Dept. Agricultural Engineering, PhD in the field of Agricultural Technology and System Management (formerly Ag.Engineering Technology).
Started his career at the Sub-Directorate of Agricultural Mechanization, Directorate of Production Development, Directorate General of Food Crops in 1977 -1991. In 1992-2000, he started his career at the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, as Head of Program Preparation and in 2001 became Director of the Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development until 2005. In 1993 he became Associate Engineer and in 2006 became Principal Engineer ( Perekayasa Utama) until retiring in 2014.
He represented Indonesia in the Technical Meeting for RNAM ( Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery) of UN-ESCAP for several times in 1985-2004 in Teheran Iran, South Korea, India, Thailand (2x), Beijing (2x).
He has experienced in various technical cooperation projects as a counterpart expert in the Development and Utilization of Secondary Crop Post Harvest Technology project, FAO Country Project (INS/87/UNDP) in 1985-1987. Then he became a counter part in ATA-220 (1986-1991) and After Care Project ATA-220 (1992-1994), Center for Development of Appropriate Agricultural Engineering Technology, JICA Project- MOA. In 2006-2013, he was assigned to serve as Expert Staff for Mechanization and Processing at PT Sang Hyang Seri. In 2009 together with Dr. AM Fagi and Ir. Adi Mesra were assigned by the Directorate General of Food Crops to complete a Rainfed Field Study in the Pawon Sari area (Pacitan, Wonogiri and Wonosari). In 2011, the same team evaluated the project of the Directorate General of Food Crops for PTT (Integrated Crop Development) activities in South Sumatra, West Java, Central Java and East Java and South Sulawesi.
In 2014-2016 he was assigned as Vice Chief Consultant at the JICA Assistance Project in Klaten for the Feasibility Study of Modern Rice Drying Technology at Farm level, Indonesia. In 2016-2017 he worked as a Local Consultant for Feasibility Study of the Modern Rice Milling Units in 5 (five) provinces of North Sumatra, West Java, Central and East and South Sulawesi by Shizuoka Seiki Co. In 2017-2018 the JICA has assigned him as Team Leader, Farm Mechanization Survey in Indonesia. JICA –MOA,` with the task of conducting Agricultural Mechanization Surveys in South Sulawesi and Central Java. At the end of 2020 (2 months) he was assigned to be an IRRI Local Consultant of the survey for The Development of Agricultural Mechanization in Way Kanan Regency of Lampung Province. This project was a Cooperation between IRRI and Korea KREI (Korea Rural Economic Institute).