Prof. Dr. Ir. Bahagiawati A.H., MSc.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Bahagiawati A.H., MSc.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bahagiawati A.H., MSc. obtained a bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture at Udayana University, Denpasar Bali in 1981. Continued with a Master of Science at the Department of Entomology at Purdue University, Indiana, USA in 1992. And a doctorate education at the Department of Entomology at Purdue University, Indiana, United States in 2000. Inaugurated with the title of Research Professor with a scientific oration entitled: Contribution of Molecular Marking Technology in the Control of Brown Planthoppers.

Also participated in various local trainings and abroad, namely: Resistance of Rice Plants to Brown Leafhoppers, Philippines; Plant Pest Control With Natural Enemies, Russia; Integrated Pest Control of Sweet Potato Cylas Formicarius, India; Transgenic Corn Crop Transformation With Gene Cry, USA; Biosafety Assessment of Agricultural Genetically Engineered Products, Taipei; Bioformatics, Philippines; Release of GMO Plants in Central Region of Germplasm Origin, Mexico; Biosafety of Genetically Engineered Products, USA; and Sampling and Detection Techniques of Genetically Engineered Products, Singapore. Has experience in cooperation with foreign countries such as with Arcadia BioScience, UC Davis, PBS and UNP-GEF. Domestically, they have experience in collaboration with the private sector, namely East West, Syngenta and Monsanto.

Apart from doing research, she also frequently represents Indonesia in regional and international forums such as the ASEAN GM Food Testing Network, the APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology, Global LLP Initiatives and FAO forums. While domestically, Bahagiawati is often invited to be a speaker or resource person for seminars, workshops, or other scientific forums.

For her achievements and dedication, she received awards by the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture in 2004 and 2015.

Currently, she is a member of the team for granting import and export permits for plant genetic resources for research, and a member of the monitoring team for the circulation of PRG in Indonesia, and members of the biosafety technical team (TTKH) of genetically engineered products in the feed sector. Because it follows Presidential Regulation no. 78 in 2021 Prof. Dr. Ir Bahagiawati A.H., MSc is now turning into a BRIN researcher in Food and Agriculture sector.